
1.Aims of Curriculum


  1. We aim to provide a balanced, creative curriculum that enables students to learn and use English with confidence.
  2. We provide students with every opportunity to build competency in reading, writing, speaking and listening to English, while at the same time, deriving enjoyment through the use of English.
  3. We promote ‘Learning by Doing’ in order to encourage students’ motivation and learning effectiveness through doing meaningful activities.
  4. We nurture and develop students’ character strengths to have positive physical and mental well-being: Integrate Positive Education elements into the English curriculum and students’ school life.
  5. We integrate National Security Education in the curriculum to promote students’ sense of belonging towards the country.


2.Features of Curriculum


Native English Teacher (NET) Programme

We have 2-3 NETs at school and they co-teach with local English teachers and work with every student from Primary One to Primary Six throughout the year. The lessons vary for each year level and focus on different aspects of English Language development.


Primary Literacy Programme-Reading & Writing (PLP-R/W)

PLP-R/W is a literacy programme which takes a holistic approach to language learning incorporating the four skills with an emphasis on reading and writing. Students come into contact with different types of texts. They read and design menus, postcards and posters; write poems and sing chants during the lessons. Our NETs help students make use of their creativity. Interesting activities such as singing, cooking and playing games are incorporated into the programme. The engaging atmosphere in the lesson helps students gradually build up their interest in reading and develop their reading habits. 


A Smooth Transition to Primary School

We provide bridging courses for Primary One students so as to facilitate a smooth and successful transition to our school. We have designed a school-based literacy programme for Primary One and Primary Two students to arouse their interest in learning English. Moreover, they are provided with ‘iPen’s to foster the learning of their revision of the school-based literacy textbooks, dictation and oral practice.


English outside the Curriculum – Activities

To further increase students’ exposure to English, we arrange various activities outside the curriculum, for instance, Reading Buddies, English drama, puppetry show, English Weather Report, English Book Introduction, English Enrichment programmes, English Morning Reading programme, English fast lane pass for the tuck shop, chit-chat in the corridor with NETs and recess with overseas exchange students.


English outside the Curriculum - Competitions

Each year, we take an active part in the Speech Festival. We have an English choral speaking team and students from different levels are invited to join the solo-verse speaking competition. Apart from the Speech Festival, we also participate in various public exams or competitions, such as TOEFL Junior, TOEFL Primary exams and Canadian English Writing Competition, in order to develop our students’ speaking and writing skills and confidence in public speaking.